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  • Sarah McConnell

The Secret Hawaii

Before studying abroad in Hong Kong, I did not really know what to expect. My thought-process for selecting this location was very similar to my Uncle Paul’s thought-process in deciding to travel to Vanuatu (I still am not exactly sure where it is located!). I wanted to go to a place as different from what I knew as possible. At the time, I had been to North America, South America, and Europe. I figured Asia and Africa would be the most different and decided on Hong Kong to study for two main reasons: (1) the Industrial Engineering program at Hong Kong Polytechnic University is one of the top programs in the world and (2) the university is very close to the water! Who doesn’t enjoy a nice sunset over the water.

At one of our orientation sessions, a man stated that Hong Kong was the secret Hawaii of Asia and if you didn’t understand why by the end of your time in Hong Kong, you were missing out. I would classify myself as an outdoors lover. I enjoy a destressing hike, sunset run, or beach walk and take them when I can get them. In Hong Kong, I was pleased to find a culture of people who loved the outdoors just as I did. The difference was in the search for the perfect picture and the clothes we wore for hikes. I am from a culture of people who love some good athletic gear whereas Hong Kongers will usually dress very nicely for a hike in order to look amazing in the picture at the end. In the following pictures, please enjoy my picture-taking and wardrobe transition.

The top left picture was one of our first hikes to Suicide Cliff. It had a beautiful overlook of Hong Kong, but as seen in the picture our outfits consist of athletic gear. The next picture in the top right, my wardrobe is getting a little better. This was a boat ride trip to Lamma Island where I was beginning to see the secret Hawaii. My wardrobe fit well with my friends. No athletic clothes for these girls!

During our trip to Poi Toi Island, I was seeing more of this "secret Hawaii" and was definitely getting down the wardrobe for pictures routine. This was a beautiful hiking spot (bottom right) and I even had a purse to add into the picture! Although for me, my wardrobe is still not the most important factor, the new perspective was interesting. However odd it was for me to coordinate clothes for a hike, it did have its own fun aspect to it. I cannot say I still plan my outfits when going on hikes in the Unites States, but I do appreciate the nice pictures that became of exploring the secret Hawaii.

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